Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Omaha to Host Empyrean Beer Quest Homebrew Competition in May

From Empyrean Brewing Co.:

Attention homebrewers and craft beer fans.  Empyrean Brewing Co. is excited to announce that the next Beer Quest Home Brew competition will be held in Omaha instead of Lincoln.

“One benefit from the change of venue to Lazlo’s Brewery & Grill in West Omaha is the larger event space.  This will allow us to accept a bigger pool of contestants. And with more homebrews to sample we can, in turn, increase the number of attendees,” explained Brewery Manager Jim Engelbart.

This is great news for anyone who has tried to secure tickets to the event which, typically sells out within a week or two.  The Omaha location is welcomed news for homebrewers as it increases their odds of being able to compete.

The Omaha Beer Quest will be held on Sunday, May 17th, at 1:00 p.m.  Tickets will go on sale starting April 6, for $20 plus tax. Attendees will learn the art of tasting beer, sample all finalists’ homebrews, cast their vote for best of show and enjoy appetizers from Lazlo’s Brewery & Grill.  Participants must be 21 or older.

Omaha is home to numerous independent and homebrewer’s clubs whose members have been unable to participate in Lincoln competitions due to logistics. Englebart said, “We know the homebrewing community in Omaha is thirsty for this opportunity.  If all goes well, we’ll hold one contest each May in Omaha and additional contests throughout the year at the brewery in Lincoln.”

The winner of Empyrean Beer Quest will have her or his recipe replicated by the brewery and put on tap at all Lazlo’s Brewery & Grill restaurants, FireWorks Restaurant and a few other bars and taverns in Lincoln and Omaha.  The winner’s name will be included on tap handles, the brewery website and posted on a plaque that hangs in Empyrean’s brew house.  The winner will be selected by non-contestant attendees during the Beer Quest tasting event. Empyrean has sponsored the Beer Quest event quarterly since 2004.

Homebrewers interested in entering can get contest information at www.EmpyreanBrewingCo.com/beerquest.html.  Tickets will be sold at Lazlo’s Brewery & Grill restaurants and FireWorks Restaurant.

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